Wednesday 26 May 2010

Skara Brae by the Flint Group

Here we are in the ancient village of Skara Brae. Chris is telling us that we are allowed to touch the 5 thousand year old workshop with one hand. They made tools in the workshop.
This is the passage way to get from one house to another house. The didn't even have to go outside. There was a roof and the passage was quite low so they had to lean down.

On the beach we built standing stones, Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae dressers and houses.
We found 2 clay pots like they used at Skara Brae.

We had to count all the standing stones. Lightening had cracked one of the stones in a thunder storm.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the photos you have chosen for your post.
