Wednesday 26 May 2010

Our trip to Skara Brae by the Axes

On the 10th of May our class went to Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar.
We went to the replica house and followed the time line down to the old village of Skara Brae.

This is a picture of the biggest house in Skara Brae. We can see a dresser. They kept their food and precious things like necklaces and pots on the dresser. You can see the fireplace in the middle of the room.

When we were on the beach we made the Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae houses with the stones.

At the end of the trip we went to the Ring of Brodgar. We played some games and activities with the Historic Scotland Rangers.
We were out of school all day long - it was great!

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