Wednesday 26 May 2010

Skara Brae by the Flint Group

Here we are in the ancient village of Skara Brae. Chris is telling us that we are allowed to touch the 5 thousand year old workshop with one hand. They made tools in the workshop.
This is the passage way to get from one house to another house. The didn't even have to go outside. There was a roof and the passage was quite low so they had to lean down.

On the beach we built standing stones, Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae dressers and houses.
We found 2 clay pots like they used at Skara Brae.

We had to count all the standing stones. Lightening had cracked one of the stones in a thunder storm.

The Stone Age Village by the Hunters

We went to the visitor centre and watched a film and then we answered questions about what they wore and what they ate.

On the beach we could either try to make a stone age house or a Ring of Brodgar. Most people chose the Ring of Brodgar.

This is the stone age village. There are seats by the fire and some beds on the sides.
We were counting how many stones there are now. There are 28 stones now but there used to be 60.

A great trip to Skara Brae by the Archaeologists

This is class 3E touching the 5 thousand year old house at Skara Brae.

Chris is asking us what we know about Skara Brae.
We told him that the people who had lived there wouldn't have been able to go to a shop to get their food. They would have had to get it themselves. They would have hunted for deer and maybe used a stone arrow to shoot birds. They would have collected shellfish and caught fish and gathered berries.
We were playing true or false and we had to run to different parents if we thought the answer was true or false. It was good fun and we always got it right right!

It started raining and we sheltered behind a massive stone.

Our trip to Skara Brae by the Axes

On the 10th of May our class went to Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar.
We went to the replica house and followed the time line down to the old village of Skara Brae.

This is a picture of the biggest house in Skara Brae. We can see a dresser. They kept their food and precious things like necklaces and pots on the dresser. You can see the fireplace in the middle of the room.

When we were on the beach we made the Ring of Brodgar and Skara Brae houses with the stones.

At the end of the trip we went to the Ring of Brodgar. We played some games and activities with the Historic Scotland Rangers.
We were out of school all day long - it was great!

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Skara Brae Houses

Some of the boys from 3E built a Skara Brae house high up on the beach.
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Trip to Skara Brae

On the 10th May class 3E and 3M went on a trip to Skara Brae and the Ring of Brodgar. All the children learnt so much about people living in Orkney 5000 years ago.
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Monday 10 May 2010

Mr Ross

Here is Mr Ross getting the cheque that we gave him to help the people in Burundi. We collected £270 altogether to help people in Burundi and Haiti.
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Thursday 6 May 2010

Kirkwall Buildings Challenge

Hope you enjoy our video of the Kirkwall Challenge.